Saved Searches
There are many options for setting up how end users can search for and look up records as well as performing key analysis on quality and regulatory records in SmartSolve. As more and more SmartSolve records are added to the system and each user accesses different types of records, SmartSolve allows the end user to save previous searches and quickly access them any time by entering the Administrator Tools tab > Settings section > Saved Search option.
Default Saved Searches:
- Auditee - Find Auditee
- Active Auditee
- All Auditees
- Inactive Auditee
- Criteria - Find Criteria
- All Criteria
- Current Criteria
- Expired Criteria
- Inworks Criteria
- Voided Criteria
- Pre-Released Criteria
- Criteria - Pending Criteria
- Criteria All Open Tasks - Coordinator
- Criteria My Open Tasks
- Criteria Needs Approval
- Criteria Needs Definition
- Audit Program - Find Audit Program
- All Audit Programs
- Closed Audit Program
- Current Audit Program
- Inworks Audit Program
- Voided Audit Program
- Audit Program - Pending Audit Program
- Audit Program All Open Tasks - Coordinator
- Audit Program My Open Tasks
- Audit Program Needs Approval
- Audit Program Needs Definition
- Audit Program Needs Review
- Audit Program Ready for Closure
- Audit - Find Audit
- All Audit
- Closed Audit
- Inworks Audit
- Voided Audit
- Audit - Pending Audit
- Audit All Open Tasks - Coordinator
- Audit Effectiveness Review
- Audit Execution
- Audit Finding Needs Approval
- Audit Finding Review
- Audit My Open Tasks
- Audit Needs Preparation
- Audit Ready for Closure
- Planned Audit and Response
- Scheduled Audits
- Planned Audit Needs Confirmation
- All Planned Audit
- Confirmed Planned Audit
- Planned Audit
- Approved Planned Audit
- Voided Planned Audit
- Response All Open Tasks - Coordinator
- Response My Open Tasks
- Finding Needs Response
- Finding Response Needs Approval
- Response Implementation
For additional information, see Saved Searches in the SmartSolve Utilities and Settings Help System.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
12:04 PM